
How to provision any number of IP phones with Telinta’s hosted softswitch.

Webinar for ITSPs: Fanvil and Telinta

Customers often ask us “How can I learn more about Hosted PBX and IP phones?”  Telinta has the answer. Telinta has teamed up with Fanvil, a leading manufacturer of IP phones and other devices, to host a free 60-minute webinar for Internet Telephony Service Providers (ITSPs). Fanvil will discuss its line of high-quality and affordable... Read More »

How can I resolve technical problems for my VoIP business?

Why is 24/7 Technical Support Important?

Voice over Internet Protocol is a game-changing technology for the telecom industry.  Cost-effective VoIP enables virtually anyone to offer competitively priced services under their own brand.  But any technology (even VoIP) requires some degree of configuration. When you build your VoIP business, you hopefully can rest assured that you will get the Technical Support you... Read More »

Class 4 or Class 5 Switching: Which switch is which?

Class 4 or Class 5: Which Switch is Which?

A softswitch is a vital part of your VoIP business.  But what is the difference between a Class 4 and a Class 5 softswitch? Class 5 softswitch enables you to provide many popular VoIP services to your retail customers, such as Hosted PBX and other VoIP services used by business and residential end users.  A... Read More »

Call Recording is an important part of your Hosted PBX business. Telinta can help you.

How to Offer Call Recording

Internet Telephony Service Providers (ITSPs) often ask “How can I offer Call Recording?” when thinking about their Hosted PBX business. Call Recording enables your customers to keep a voice record of important business conversations.  Whether your customers feel that this is required for regulatory reasons, or just part of their own company policy, Call Recording... Read More »

Where can I learn how to start a VoIP business?

How can I learn more about VoIP?

If you are thinking about starting your own VoIP business, you probably have lots of questions: How can I start a VoIP business?  How do I sell VoIP services?  How can I become an ITSP? Where can I learn about VoIP? Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) has revolutionized telecom all over the world.  VoIP greatly... Read More »

Sell wholesale DIDs and Toll-Free phone numbers to ITSPs and businesses: cloud-based softswitch and billing.

How to Sell Wholesale Phone Numbers

Want to start a business selling wholesale phone numbers?  This growing opportunity for selling phone numbers (also called DIDs) exists all around the world, where VoIP service providers buy phone numbers to resell them to their customers.  Businesses seek local phone numbers in many countries to appeal to their international customer base.  You can provide... Read More »

Customizable IVR is vital to any VoIP business. “How can I customize IVR?” It’s easy.

IVR for your VoIP Business

IVR is an important part of any VoIP business.  “How can I customize IVR?”  With Telinta, it’s easy. Interactive Voice Response enables your business to provide many capabilities for both end users and the people that call them. Hosted PBX The fast-growing market for cloud-based PBX services relies heavily upon IVR.  Whether callers press 1... Read More »

Our white-label solutions enable you to offer cutting-edge VoIP services with your own brand and pricing

Choosing the Right Softswitch

Many VoIP service providers wrestle with the question, “How should I choose a hosted softswitch provider?” What capabilities should you look for when choosing a VoIP switching provider?  While every business is different, here are some ideas you might use as a guide.  While no provider can do everything, once you prioritize the things that... Read More »

ITSPs can offer VoIP services to help their business grow post-COVID-19

VoIP and COVID-19

COVID-19 has changed the way the world does business.  For VoIP service providers, the “New Normal” creates opportunities like never before. Now more than ever, your ITSP business can grow by offering the highly-flexible and economical telecom services that customers all over the globe demand. As phone calls replace face-to-face meetings, and international calling replaces... Read More »

Hosted Switching and Billing for ITSPs. Brandable portals, real-time CDRs, and more.

Brandable Portals for VoIP Providers

Many ITSPs and VoIP service providers ask the question “How can I offer Brandable Web Portals to my Customers?” Cutting-edge VoIP services today can be offered with online user interfaces, enabling your customers to perform certain self-service functions.  If you customers can take care of themselves, it means you don’t have to and this frees... Read More »